18th September
Well, I suppose today was interesting if nothing else. Today, at Derby Moor, we had a fire bell go off half way through period two (which for me was my second hour of Psychology with Mr. Read-I-Can't-Really-Read). Apparently, with DMCSC being the scuzzy school that it is (apparently) these fire alarms go off quite frequently because the kids like to set them off. Today, though, was different.
Although the thing wasn't actually scheduled, it wasn't a kid that set the thing off, it was something that the teachers referred to only as a 'technical fault'. Said fault had us lined up in our form groups in the tennis court playground thingy for over half an hour in silence. Then, when they realised that they couldn't get the bell fixed we were told we could sit on the floor and chat quietly with each other. So, in total, we were out there for over an hour. During this time we also missed our break between lessons, which was annoying. We ended up having a shorter break, and eating into our next lessons.
Of course, as always, this means more homework.
Oh how I love homework.
I've got so much homework it's not even a laughing matter any more. I mean, I know it's supposed to get harder and all this year, but seriously, is three hours homework really necessary for just two subjects? REALLY?
During tutor period today we were working on our personal statements. Mrs Archer says that although mine still needs a tiny little bit of work, it's one of the tightest statements that she's seen in a long while. This meant I had a good twenty minutes of the lesson to do nothing but write. Well, I was supposed to do homework, but I didn't feel like it, so I wrote a good 400 words. Not a lot, but it's something. Now tonight I have about an hour to write some more. I'd like at least another 600 words, because then I can keep up a 1k a day target, despite all the school work and shit that I'm having to deal with.
That'll make me feel good.
But for now, I don't have anything interesting to say because I want to write. So, like. Yeah.
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