6th November
These dreams go on when I close my eyes. Every second of the night, I live another life. These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside, every moment I'm awake, the further I'm away.
Today has ben one tiring day. But, I've managed pretty well. The kids have reached the first stop in their mission to save the sweet shop, alright, though it's taken them a while to get there. I have the first death scene coming up shortly, as well as (hopefully) a plot to kill a government leader in the villain's storyline. This should be interesting. As for word count, I'm doing pretty well, I guess, for saying that we're only six days into NaNoWriMo. XD If I work hard tomorrow and don't suffer any horrible incidents that might keep me from writing my planned amount, then I should be set to hit the bit 5-0 tomorrow. I hope all goes well, because it really would make me feel fantastic to be able to say I'd reached the 50k in just a week.
Tomorrow I'll have to write 9k, which could be a bit of a challenge though. D: I get in from school at 1:30, tomorrow, after an hour at bookclub which will leave me sufficiently relaxed, so hopefully I'll be able to churn out at least 1.5k before Alisha gets home from school at 3:30. And then I have a little time in between her getting in and her leaving to go to a school disco- when I will stop to do her makeup- and then after that I should have the rest of the evening to write. I don't know if it's a realistic target, but I think it's one that I could reach with enough hard work and effort. If only I'd written more on Monday. *eyeroll*
Anyway, now for the excerpt of the day!
Why yes, the prose is getting worse. You're going to need glasses by the time I'm through with you! XD
“Then I think we’ll just go home. I think that’s the general consensus on the matter-”
“Oh but you mustn’t!” April cried shrilly, her arms flying in an animated move of warning. “No! You mustn’t do that. You mustn’t even think it.”
“Uh, why?” Danger pulled a face. I thought she might be about to hit the other woman, which I would definitely have commended. I could feel myself growing pale, all thoughts of being home in the next few days wiped from my mind completely. In fact, I was so distraught by this revelation that I thought I might just cry.
“Because if you even so much as think these negative anti-prophecy thoughts, you will die.”
“We’ll die?” Casper asked incredulously. “Like, literally? Or metaphorically? Because if it’s metaphorically I think I can handle that-”
“No. You. Will. Die.” April laid her sheet of paper on the table, on top of the gardening handbook, and then shook her head sadly. “You must listen to me; this is of utmost importance in your quest-”
“But what if we don’t want to do the quest?” Vivienne whined. “What if we don’t care about the damn shop and just want to go home?”
“Oh quit with the angst,” Boo cut in, speaking with a loud, harsh voice. “This is our duty, yeah? We should do it.”
“But we could die,” Cassidy said, suddenly deciding that it wasn’t quite so fun any longer.
“You probably won’t die, you know.” April smiled thinly. “It’s very rare that it happens. Dying.”
“For most people it only happens every seventy-eight years,” Q pointed out. When met by several icy glares she clamped her mouth shut and took a step back.
Favourite non-excerpt lines:
“Well, it might narrow things down a bit, eh?” April smirked. “Look, guys, you need to take this more light-heartedly. You seem like you like to have fun, so what’s so different about this? It’s a quest, an adventure, where you get to battle evil foes and fight for the prize. Why, when I was your age I would have loved-”
“Yes, but now we’ve got television.” Danger popped a piece of bubblegum in her mouth. “Have you get any more to tell us?”
Words written today: 5,837 (so far)
Wordcount: 41,296 (so far)
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