9th October
Tonight I also went to the school open evening. I do it most years, and this year my art teacher asked if I would like to go in and help out (which basically meant I'd have two hours working on my clay sculpture...) So I went in, with Sarah, and we scooped out the brains of our clay people. it sucked, though, because my guy's neck started to cave in, and so now he has a squashed neck. I had to prop him up with some paper towels. So, now, instead of being an air-head, he's a paper-brain :]
Oh well. I hope he survives the kiln. I'd hate it if he exploded and went all KABOOM-Y ]: That would suck HUGELY....
Anyway. It's getting a bit late, and I still need to eat, so yeah.
Now playing: Rent - You'll See
via FoxyTunes
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